At NorthWoods, we believe our lives should be centered around Jesus. We are making disciples who make disciples. That means we are doing our best to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus and help others to do the same. We are seeking to make progress in four key areas:

1. Love for Jesus
We are seeking to help every member of NorthWoods grow in his/her love for Jesus. We encourage people to cultivate a strong relationship with the Lord through faithful study of the Word, personal prayer, and genuine worship. We seek to create an atmosphere where people are naturally growing closer to the Lord and are finding positive examples to emulate.
2. Learn from Jesus
A disciple is someone who has received Christ’s offer of forgiveness and is learning from Him about the life that He is calling us to live. We want our members to be growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and so we seek to create opportunities to learn from Him. Some primary avenues for growth are through The Gathering and discipling relationships. Many of our people are involved in discipling relationships, by meeting with one or a few other people regularly for more involved discipleship. Through these relationships, you can learn how to live for Jesus.
3. Live like Jesus
What we are learning from Jesus should be displayed in how we live. We challenge members to be doers of the Word and put their faith into action in all of their relationships. Practically speaking, this means challenging people to find outlets for serving others, whether in a ministry of the church, a ministry outside of the church, or both. We have several Service Opportunities through our ongoing ministries and we also have many contacts in our community where you can serve and display the love of Christ to others.
4. Lead to Jesus
It is our hope that the people of NorthWoods would be regularly involved in seeing people come to faith in Jesus. We are encouraging each member to pray for people who need Jesus, to share the gospel regularly, and to invite people to church. We want every person to see himself/herself as being “on mission,” whether that is here in Evansville or some far corner of the world.
We encourage you to be involved in the community in a positive way and look for opportunities to share the Gospel. Our leaders seek to inspire you to share your faith regularly, and if you don’t feel prepared we want to train you so that you are growing more confident to do so. As a part of our ongoing ministry, we try to provide regular mission experiences as outlets for you to pray, give, or even go out to share the Gospel.